Sunday, 18 May 2014


It's official!
 I had my last university hand in on friday!
Cant believe I made it and how quick the time has gone... but yes! I did it!

After having so much work to do I can now return to the real world and have some chill time and time to socialise again..which is surreal to be honest...even to have the time to eat proper meals is amazing haha!

Currently we are preparing for the end of year show ( which begins the end of this month, still really I'm glued to university just for a little bit longer as there is a lot of prep to be done for it 

Have to say I'm excited to have some free time but also scared..what do I do now?
 Ive decided until I get my results in June I aren't going to apply for any jobs yet - I don't want to jinx it! but I have started  looking at what the job market has on offer for graphic design jobs...there is actually a lot out there, and i'm going to apply all over the country so not to restrict myself.

safe to say I will be posting on here  a lot more now I have the time to!  so expect there to be a lot of random but positive posts.
I'm Giving myself a couple of months off to do things which I haven't had chance to do because of uni, keeping creative, doing some modelling and going to London! seeing friends is going to be very high on my list as I feel due to uni I have been a bit of a rubbish friend to be honest, so i've got making up to do! It's all really exciting and even better because the weather is beautiful at the moment.

oh yeah.. I had a photo shoot for Deth Kult clothing ( ) last week for their new range, so looking forward to seeing the outcome of the images which will appear on their website/twitter/facebook pages :)
I was a vain bastard too and applied to be a Front magazine alt girl, I saw them post they were looking for girls to apply now that they are returning back after there short stay I thought why the hell not.. you only live once and everything. 


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