Sunday, 16 June 2013

We Have The Same Scars.

This weekend was pretty jam packed. Starting from Thursday.

I really enjoyed my shoot with Dan urban on thursday, It felt good to get back in to it again, its been a couple of months since I've had any shoots. 
Heres a sneak peak from the shoot - 

On Friday, We had Vince's brother over to stay all the way from London for a couple of days
 - I say all the way from London when its only 2 and a half hours away..but I do appreciate it when people make the effort to come and see us instead of us having to make the effort to see them all the time.  means a lot.
Saturday, we drove all the way to birmingham to watch our friend perform at a venue.Was a good night and good seeing some friendly faces who I haven't seen in a while.
Sunday, Fathers day, We just chilled around out my mums house and went for a random walk..not exciting :P..

^Always pulling a stupid face on photos.

But safe to say now,
 I am shattered, 
looking forward to a few days at home just the two of us, relaxing.


1 comment:

  1. I really like you blog ! ! So pretty :)
    How can I follow ??
